الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

History of Education by Computer

The computer assisted teaching and learning computer languages ​​with the help of two applications of the science of artificial intelligence applications (Artificial Intelligence) is the science that seeks to make the machine do what it does humans.
Began teaching method Computer-assisted language in the sixties of the twentieth century in the United States of America. It was the first project to use computers in teaching languages ​​has been at Stanford University, Florida, USA. Affected projects first language learning assistance Computer theories of psychology and of the theory of behavior, which had controlled language acquisition, a theory which views language acquisition as a relationship catalyst and response (Stimilus-Response) were applications assisted language of computers in the sixties and seventies, all called behavioral applications to teach computer-assisted language (Antiquities). Those applications were based on training, and repetition.
In the seventies of the century itself, led change theory of language acquisition and transformation of control behavioral science to look beyond that of mental processes govern the way to acquire human language (see theory as total 1965) and other linguistic theories such as those penned by American thinker Noam Chomsky led to shift in teaching English with the help of computers.

Importance of employing computer in education

Appropriate to the object and purpose. The computer of the main pillars that generate contemporary technological innovation, which is the most widely used means, and most influential, he Abu educational means undisputed, so it has become a subject of interest and care leaders, educators and teachers. How assumed computer all these distinguished position among other educational techniques?. The TMS modern solid foundations on which the future school, because the success of education in achieving their objectives is measured quickly respond and interact with the variables in the community, and how they benefit from blowouts cognitive the enormous world, in addition to that it has been recast roles played by both the teacher and the book and the classroom to keep up with the rapid developments, can not be achieved this lofty goal satisfactorily only employ computer utilize practice range.

the advantages of the use of computers in education

 -  the implementation of many difficult experiences through simulation programs.

2 - bring abstract concepts.

3 - exercise and practice programs proved effective and clear in helping students to save semantics.

4 - proved highly effective educational games to help disabled muscularly and mentally.

- Computer provides students immediate correction in each stage of the work.

6 - Computer allows the student to catch up with the program without great difficulty and without errors.

7 - featuring Computer-assisted instruction in nature adapt to students' abilities.

8 - the development of mental skills of the students.

9 - its ability to create intellectual environments stimulate students to explore topics not found within the curriculum.

10 - the ability to connect or transfer information from the main center of information to other places.

11 - the learner can use the computer in the appropriate time and place

The areas of computer use in education

Among the most prominent areas of the use of this device in the teaching-learning process as follows:

1.  Area school e;, where the school trendy establishment website has served teaching-learning process, and is directly linked to a network of global information (the Internet), and provide the information on the pages educational, in addition to linking all parts of the school administrative and technical network of internal and external information is provided for administrators and teachers The students and parents.

2. E-library; contain containers of information stored on magnetic media or Mliserh and be available to learners via direct contact or through the system CDs.

3. The default field of education; where use of modern educational techniques Computer notably where available for learners sources of information in the case of a teacher or lack of it, and requires work in this area and there are several elements, notably:- The presence of a computer lab connected to the Internet.- Design the curriculum so that the student searching for the information himself.- Training teachers to improve their hiring this type of education to assist the student in the process of self-learning.

4. The field of smart classrooms, a computer labs with high specifications, used for teaching and training, and exercises its teaching-learning process effectively, and facilitate positive communication between the teacher and the learner on the one hand and between other educated among them second hand.The computer of more products scientific and technical progress of contemporary interest, which employs in all areas of life from children's games, and the end of firing rockets giant intercontinental, a tool learner to communicate with the global information network, so it has become a concern  to develop and improve product educational process learning. It is now used in developed countries widely in various business management school starting and the end of the audit tests,The areas of computer use in education