الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

the advantages of the use of computers in education

 -  the implementation of many difficult experiences through simulation programs.

2 - bring abstract concepts.

3 - exercise and practice programs proved effective and clear in helping students to save semantics.

4 - proved highly effective educational games to help disabled muscularly and mentally.

- Computer provides students immediate correction in each stage of the work.

6 - Computer allows the student to catch up with the program without great difficulty and without errors.

7 - featuring Computer-assisted instruction in nature adapt to students' abilities.

8 - the development of mental skills of the students.

9 - its ability to create intellectual environments stimulate students to explore topics not found within the curriculum.

10 - the ability to connect or transfer information from the main center of information to other places.

11 - the learner can use the computer in the appropriate time and place

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